RfUs of
VG 8 Lifejackets

Document id Filename HCNB approval Endorsement Keywords
PPE-R/08.048 v01 RfU_08.048 - Rev01 - Visibility of inflation system indicators.pdf 2021 Oct 01 2022 Nov 18 Visibility of inflation system indicators
PPE-R/08.049 v01 RfU_08.049 - Rev 01 - EN12628_PPE Regulation EHSR.pdf 2021 Oct 01 2022 Nov 18 EU type examination - diving combined buoyancy and rescue devices
PPE-R/08.053 v01 RfU_08.053 - Rev01 - Test Subject Selection Criteria.pdf 2022 Apr 30 2023 Aug 31 Test subject selection criteria Multi-Sized Buoyancy Aids (level 50)
PPE-R/08.039 Rev01 RfU_08.039_Rev01 - Diving drysuit valves.pdf 2018 Jul 13 Diving drysuit inflation and deflation devices for chemical protection
PPE-R/08.040 Rev00 RfU_08.040_Rev00 - Diving drysuit material testing.pdf 2018 Jul 13 Diving drysuit materials testing
PPE-R/08.045 Rev01 RFU_08.045 - Rev01 - Module C2 Product Checks Test Cycle for PFD's.pdf 2019 Sep 05 Module C2 Product Checks - Test Cycle for PFD’s
PPE-R/08.046 Rev04 RFU_08.046 - Rev04 - ISO 12402-9 Gap Analysis for testing.pdf 2020 Sep 23 EN ISO 12402-9 Gap Analysis for Testing
PPE-R_08.057 V02 APPR - Resistance of Labels (ISO 12402 Parts 2-5 Clause 6.2 PPE-R_08.057 V02 APPR - Resistance of Labels (ISO 12402 Parts 2-5 Clause 6.2.pdf 2024 May 31
PPE-R_08.063 - V00 APPR - Inflation chamber material fungal resistance PPE-R_08.063 - V00 APPR - Inflation chamber material fungal resistance.pdf 2024 May 31
PPE-R_08.061- V03 APPR - Surface wetsuit thermal class PPE-R_08.061- V03 APPR - Surface wetsuit thermal class .pdf 2024 May 31
PPE-R_00.050 V05 ENDS Annex V marking for Cat III product PPE-R_00.050 V05 ENDS Annex V marking for Cat III product.pdf 2023 Nov 22 2024 May 26
PPE-R_ 00.047 V04 ENDS PPE Regulation OBM_1 PPE-R_ 00.047 V04 ENDS PPE Regulation OBM_1.pdf 2023 Nov 22 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.051 V02 APPR ISO 12402-7 (Foam Flotation Material) PPE-R_08.051 V02 ENDS ISO 12402-7 (Foam Flotation Material).pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.052 V00 ENDS Ride-up prevention systems PPE-R_08.052 V00 ENDS Ride-up prevention systems.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.054 V01 ENDS Servicing information on the product and product information PPE-R_08.054 V01 ENDS Servicing information on the product and product information.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.058 V01 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7 Table 21 Window Material RfU_08.056_Rev00 - EN ISO 12402-7_2020 Tensile strength of foam.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.058 V01 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7 Table 21 Window Material PPE-R_08.058 V01 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7 Table 21 Window Material.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.055 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7_2020 Strength testing of fabric PPE-R_08.055 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7_2020 Strength testing of fabric.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.056 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7_2020 Tensile strength of foam PPE-R_08.056 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7_2020 Tensile strength of foam.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.059 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7 Strength Slippage PPE-R_08.059 V00 ENDS EN ISO 12402-7 Strength Slippage.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.062 V00 ENDS Uninflated Buoyancy Test PPE-R_08.062 V00 ENDS Uninflated Buoyancy Test.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26
PPE-R_08.060 V00 ENDS EN 13138 Human Test Subjects PPE-R_08.060 V00 ENDS EN 13138 Human Test Subjects.pdf 2023 Dec 07 2024 May 26